• Ekaterina E. Makarova Russian State University of Justice
  • Elena N. Syshchikova Russian State University of Justice
  • Zinaida B. Proskurina Russian State University of Justice
Keywords: estate market, digital economy, realtor, developer, realty


The article presents the results of research on the current state of the real estate market, as well as the principles of development of the real estate services market. The main problems of cooperation between realtors and developers are considered, as well as promising ways of selling real estate in the digital economy are identified.

Objective: Optimize the state of the real estate market in Russia and Moscow. Consideration of promising areas of digitalization in the modern real estate market.

Method or methodology of the work: Analytical and statistical methods of analysis were used in the process of studying the problem.

Results: In the conditions of states real estate market conditions and the development of the real estate services market, the introduction of VR technologies will lead to a complete transformation of real estate activities, by multiplying business performance by reducing material and time costs.

Practical implications: The obtained research results can be used and applied by real estate agencies, real estate agencies, developers and interested economic entities in the real estate market.

The current state of the Russian real estate market is formed due to the transition to private ownership of small and large property owners as a result of privatization. A huge role is played by public and professional organizations, as well as realtors, whose activities are related to the formation of a single base of the real estate market in Russia, as well as providing assistance in various types of real estate transactions.

Real estate agents form a database with the help of which they carry out most real estate transactions in the Russian Federation



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Author Biographies

Ekaterina E. Makarova, Russian State University of Justice

Associate Professor «Economy and Property Management», Candidate of Economic Sciences

Elena N. Syshchikova, Russian State University of Justice

Head of the Department of «Economics and Real Estate Management», Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Zinaida B. Proskurina, Russian State University of Justice

Associate Professor «Economy and Property Management», Candidate of Economic Sciences


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How to Cite
Makarova, E., Syshchikova, E., & Proskurina, Z. (2021). CURRENT STATE OF THE REAL ESTATE MARKET RUSSIA IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Krasnoyarsk Science: Economic Journal, 10(3), 71-86.
Economic Studies