The article deals with the issues of ensuring the financial security of industry, enterprises, organizations as an element of the national security of the state. A special place is occupied by a comparative analysis of threats to economic security and prospects in this area of the economy. The topic of financial stability of an organization as the basis of financial security is relevant in the modern world, since financial stability guarantees the solvency of the company. The management of the enterprise should know that it will not only make a profit and enjoy possible advantages, but will also constantly take risks. And not every company, even in countries with market economies, can withstand such tough tests and ensure its financial security. In this regard, the consideration of this topic is now becoming particularly relevant.
Purpose. The purpose is to determine the methods and techniques of financial stability used in the analysis of industrial enterprises.
Methodology in article analysis, synthesis of scientific information, the method of analogies, as well as statistical methods of analysis.
Results: the most informative parameters were obtained, showing some aspects of the financial stability of industrial enterprises.
Practical implications it is Scope of application of the results: it is advisable to apply the results obtained by economic entities engaged in the analysis of industrial enterprises.
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